Is it just me, or does it seem like most teammates are scared to die and it causes you to lose games?

Posted by Steve

Thursday, February 18, 2021 2:40 AM

It seems like people are just so scared to die or make plays in this game.

I cant tell you how many times I hear "lets rush b" so all 5 of us stack up to get ready to rush site. But one single bullet from a classic is fired our direction and suddenly everyone stops, we get bunched up, and flanked on and die.

So many duelists who pick entry characters but don't entry.

I end up being entry Brim which is hilarious.

I'm not advocating that you run in blindly every single play, but sometimes you need to take swift action and take a chance that you might die so the team can make a play and win the round.

Its amazing how the game can change after one round where you say "I'm rushing B, dont stop for anything, just kill whoever kills me."

Your team starts to realize that speed and just taking a site is super important, and how sometimes your death can win rounds.

Not all the time, but at the right time its amazing.



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