Fundamental Gameplay Concepts YOU NEED To Understand

Posted by Steve

Thursday, January 21, 2021 9:52 PM

Fundamental Gameplay Concepts YOU NEED To Understand
  1. Five man push on attack every time is stupid. --

If you just constantly roll 5 men deep on each site on attack, defenders will quickly figure this out, and start to initiate lots of flanks and punish you severely for it.

  1. Start running "Split Pushes/Defaults" --

Essentially, start splitting your team up between "mid" and the two sites. You will start getting picks, causing enemies to over rotate, and gain lots more map control.

Map control prevents you from getting flanked, and allows for easier rotates.


You can even even send a lurker out and make it a 4/1 split so they can collect some easy picks on flanks and weaken the enemy team. But be careful with riding solo, because you should always...

  1. Put yourself in a position to be traded/Set up for trades

If you and a teammate push, he gets clapped by a single individual, and you hide, you pretty much are the scum of the earth. I understand every once and a while you need to hide to set up a cool little sneaky play that makes it to the reddit highlight reel, but those instances are far and few between.

Generally speaking, you want to make as many gunfights as possible into 2v1s. (A) It allows you both dump damage on the target. (B) If one of you gets clapped, the second can trade since its hard to precisely flick between two targets, which puts the round back on neutral ground. You always want the number advantage.

1v1 gun fights are not the way.

  1. If you are going to "rush" you CANNOT chicken out under any circumstance. *** YOU WILL TAKE DAMAGE AND THATS OKAY*** --

I cant tell you how many times I hear "Rush B" at the start of the round. We set up, and take off towards B. Suddenly, we encounter 1 lone enemy, or maybe one lone bit of utility. Everyone stops dead in the doorway. I rush in expecting someone to follow me to take out the threat, but no one does (See point 3). Now we are down a man, couped up in one spot. The enemies know the situation, start rotating. Its no longer a rush where wer're quickly taking up a site, we're just sitting ducks. Enemies start flanking, and we all die in one spot. All because the team was afraid to take some minor chip damage to their health.

  1. If you're on Defense and you kill spike carrier, WATCHING THE SPIKE IS THE ONLY THING THE WHOLE TEAM SHOULD BE DOING. I don't care if its 5v1, just watch the fucking bomb/flanks to the bomb. --

The attackers have to go get the bomb, or kill everyone. By setting up a perimeter and keeping point 3 in mind, you have a numbers advantage, they have to come to you, and you're essentially setting up a slaughter house.

If you lose sight of the bomb or are not on top of it, they can still sneak in and steal it for a plant.

I cant tell you how many times I've seen people go "hunting" the last dude or two, only to get clapped because they ignore point 3, creating lots of easy 1v1s for the enemy, who then goes on to clutch it.

Just sit on the bomb and make sure it doesn't go anywhere.

  1. There are important spots on each map that you need to hold. Learn which ones are important and how to hold them --

Generally speaking, mid on almost every map is important. So learn how to hold/take it.

As for specific site examples, both heavens on Split are incredibly important. You have the high ground which we all know is important in battle. There are also many flanks into site through both heavens. If you control either heaven well, you control almost all of the site as well.



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