Posted by Steve
Saturday, August 27, 2022 7:57 AM
hihi, my name's Jollz, had recently done a Chamber cosplay and thought I'd start moving down the agent pool. I ordered a reyna cosplay and it came in SUPER small so I had to cut it up and turn it into a crop top lmao. it's extremely scuffed but I had a lot of fun doing it.
ig + twt for more; Jollztv

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Immortal players in the new act were supposed to have the Immortal3 icon as shown in the changelog, yet it's still using Immortal1 icon
There is a line that states that the Immortal players will have the Immortal3 Icon, but it still has Immortal1 for the players in-game.

Posted by Otto
Saturday, January 23, 2021 12:16 AM
Huge Raze Fail :(

Posted by Otto
Monday, December 28, 2020 1:57 PM
PSA: Whenever you have a chance to remake, JUST DO IT
Ive seen this multiple times "its just 1 round in 4v5" or "he will come back", but **IT DOES NOT MATTER.** Remake if you can.
Apparently this needs to be said, and please listen to this advice. It doesnt matter if youve won the first round...
Posted by Otto
Tuesday, January 17, 2023 6:45 AM