Genuine, serious question I need help with. How do I stop getting so nervous in games?

Posted by Steve

Friday, August 19, 2022 8:12 PM

Now before you roast me saying I’m dumb for getting nervous over a game, that’s not what I’m asking. I know it’s just a game and means nothing, but I can’t help but feel nervous while playing games.

In death match, I’m an actual beast. I play so carefree and calm and I’m not spraying and I play damn near perfect. I’ve had a 9 man multi kill multiple times.

In unrated, ranked, and (sadly) even in spike rush and replication, I get so freaking nervous to play. I only get one life and I want to make sure I contribute to the team and not mess up. So I start to play more passive and scared. I start to spray, I push dumb places, I take too long to make a decision, and my aim goes out the window. How do I carry the confidence and aim and calmness to my actual matches? It’s such a mental bloke at this time that I can’t get over the hump and play like I used to.

I’ve turned off the spectator count already, and that doesn’t help cause I know they are watching anyway lol.

Any ideas?

Edit- thanks everyone for their tricks and tips and things that have helped them. I feel like I’ve learned a lot and will implement new things to help calm down and be less timid and focus more. I appreciate all the replies.



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