Give info not instructions

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, November 25, 2020 7:14 AM

When you are dead and watching what your team are doing, you are usually not as tense as the people playing which means you will often notice things which they miss. You also have the advantage of being able to jump between the living team members to get a better perspective on what is happening with the enemy team. This is fantastic for giving information on where the enemy are, what weapons they are using, where the spike is, etc. and utilising this information can often mean the difference between victory and defeat. So please share the info, tell your team how many are coming and where from, ping the map, definitely ping enemies and the spike if you can see them.

Now, while you are sharing info it is very tempting to also tell your team mate what you think they should be doing. Please don't. If someone has made a bad play, feel free to give them advice on what they should have done, but do it at the start of the next round. While the round is still going, give them the info and let them use it how they want.

"But you said I have the better perspective so I know what they should be doing" you might say.

Well that may be true, but if you give them the information then they have the same perspective. Telling your team mate what to do is distracting and very often isn't playing to the player's strengths. You also can't give detailed instructions so it's better to let them work out their own plan.

So give information, don't give instructions.

And for the love of god, if someone is trying to clutch do not speak at all unless you absolutely have to. They need concentrate and they need to hear every single sound, so anything you say might get them killed instead of helping.



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