Got my first comp ban - here's what I did wrong

Posted by Steve

Thursday, March 18, 2021 10:36 PM

Nothing. I literally said nothing. Right now I'm Immortal and I'm not using voice chat because of a throat operation I've had, leading to people telling me I'm trolling as early as round 1 or sometimes in lobby, after I've let them know.

I've won around 15 of my past 20 games. I previously made it to Radiant without even using chat on another account (few months ago). You don't 100% need voice in order to climb, you can communicate a lot of things effectively using pings and text chat.

Last game, we had a really toxic killjoy telling people to kill themselves in English and other profanities in Turkish (amk etc). He openly said he's gonna spam report me and he's gonna troll on purpose, all because I asked him not to scream and shout after he's out of the round.

I think the chat ban leading to a comp ban is fine, but jesus christ... I'm now out of the game on my main account through no fault of my own. It's ridiculous how you can get reported and receive a competitive ban when you've literally done nothing wrong.

This just further cements me not using chat at all from now on, whether its positive or negative. Something needs to be done to make sure no "false positives" are tripped by players that are using it to grief. It's ridiculous.



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