Half Unrated Gamemode and why.

Posted by Steve

Sunday, March 14, 2021 11:19 PM

I know this kind of post has been made multiple times but I believe asking for it over and over is needed to bring the request to the devs' attention.

Valorant really needs a shorter unrated gamemode. No Orbs, No random loadouts, No Balance and price differences, No gimmicks.

Just unrated but cut in half. You don't switch sides you just play your side whether it is defense or attack. This will help so much with the game being enjoyable.

As for why? I think it helps with alot of problems. You are not stuck for long with players you don't like. You can play the game if you don't have 40+ minutes to spare. You are not stuck for a long time if you are not enjoying yourself and regret starting a game. You can warmup for competitive by getting into the actual gamemode mindset while not spending 40+ minutes to do so. A shorter gamemode is less strenuous ( I can't speak for everyone but valorant is an exhausting game to play since you gotta be in tip-top shape the whole time to perform well.)

Spike rush is too different and doesn't scratch the unrated itch. Orbs change the game alot, and random guns are just silly (for some reason I get shotguns half the time eventhough they are about %17 of the pool).

Deathmatch only serves as a warmup for aim but it ignores every other aspect of the game.

The one problem I see with a separate shorter unrated gamemode is the possibility that people won't play normal unrated since they can just play 2 shorter versions of unrated with lower commitment, but whether that is a good or bad thing is debatable.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/m4pi7w/half_unrated_gamemode_and_why/
  • https://reddit.com/m4pi7w

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