Happy Chinese New Year to Everyone (NEON AND LION DANCE DRAW)

Posted by Steve

Friday, January 28, 2022 6:02 AM

Lion dance and neon <3

This is a drawing of neon and lion dance. As you can see, the lion dance shows that lion is actually fierce and chasing neon. Neon is not scared as she is fast as lightning and can counter lion with her thunders. Another hand is a symbol for her nationality which is phillipines. Her hand holding the slipper means alot to asian. When asian kids did something wrong, instead of scolding them, usually they will use slipper to beat their kids, xDD (Its a Joke) . Well, the color of the slipper comes from the color of the flag of phillipines which is gold, white, blue and red. Of course, the hanging thing is the rarest riot fist bump buddy which everyone wants it (I want it too :''') ) . Well. HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR EVERYONE !!! 新年快乐 , 恭喜发财 !!!


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/sdvqtp/happy_chinese_new_year_to_everyone_neon_and_lion/
  • https://reddit.com/sdvqtp

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