Has anyone here actually gotten a riot gunbuddy from a random riot employee ingame?

Posted by Steve

Friday, March 17, 2023 3:38 PM

Have met quite a few people with riot gunbuddy and have always asked them how they got them. I have always heard though that they got it from a friend they know who works for riot. Obviously they might lie to me, but i dont understand why a bunch of people would lie about that. Is riot employees not actually giving their buddies out to people in comp or whats going on?

FYI: I have tried to be more of a teamplayer in comms and such purely for the chance to get one someday, but if they dont actually give them out to randoms ingame or very rarely does then im gonna give up hope on that.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/11svb81/has_anyone_here_actually_gotten_a_riot_gunbuddy/
  • https://reddit.com/11svb81

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