Has high plat gotten harder the last 2 weeks?

Posted by Steve

Monday, August 15, 2022 5:05 PM

So I was gold 1 last season when I started, and peaked plat 3 about 3 weeks ago. Was at 97RP, plat 3 and then took a couple days break. Came back and was performing as normal, but it seems like I’m getting insane matchups with really talented players that are the same ranks as a couple weeks ago. Not even like Smurf level, they’re definitely in my skill bracket, but just way more conscious players with great game sense - my only thought is that people are trying extra hard to reach peak rank? Maybe I’m totally imposing my anecdotal experience on the game as a whole?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/wost2x/has_high_plat_gotten_harder_the_last_2_weeks/
  • https://reddit.com/wost2x

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