Have you noticed an increase in team sabotaging?

Posted by Steve

Thursday, July 1, 2021 12:02 AM

By team sabotaging I mean:

  • Taking the spike and camping in base with it( I swear, the people who do this always spawn in front of the spike)
  • Trapping a teammate
  • Intentionally blinding teammates
  • Grenading teammates
  • Molotoving teammates
  • Blocking off access routes or using frost orbs to intentionally slow down teammates ( Sage )
  • "Cooperating" with the enemy
  • Any combination of the above examples
  • Etc.
  • ( Also I consider it sabotage, when it has done been more than once, to ensure that it wasn't just some misclick ( unless it is something like trapping a teammate ))

It is insane how much sabotaging is increasing in popularity, out of the last 20 matches I have played, at least 7 had sabotaging, while just last month this number would have been closer to 2.

it doesn't matter whether or not you are playing unranked or competitive and it is quite frustrating, It can also start at any point in the match, be it 2-3 or 12-11 or 12-5.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/oafpp4/have_you_noticed_an_increase_in_team_sabotaging/
  • https://reddit.com/oafpp4

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