Posted by Steve
Thursday, May 7, 2020 1:48 AM

EDIT : Done Answering Questions As of 12:45AM CST. I'll answer as much as I can when I wake up. Cheers
Proof :
I queued in solo, duo, trio, quad, or as five all about equally. I ranked up the fastest playing w/ duo and trio.
Opinions About Agents (Strictly competitive mm, so no tournament)
Phoenix - Best "solo" player in the game if you just want to run in and frag out. Please don't pick him if you're a baiter. If you're not the first one to take an engage, you're just fucking over your team. Your 2 flashes should basically be used up every round. Should never be super bottom frag if you're playing against your own skill level.
Jett - Third best "solo" player in the game for just running wild. She and Phoenix are what I mainly used past immortal 2 because most players "bait" in this game, so you just have to open up sites. Jett is obviously pretty useless on every map except for Bind kit wise because everyone does the Sage plants for A site and you can just zoom over it with a bucky/judge/shorty/ult as well as take picks and freely leave with dash. You should never be super bottom fragging as a Jett against people your own skill level.
Viper - Takes too much teamwork. Only time I saw it used well was when I was in or against a five stack. Probably the hardest character in the game for maximizing potential next to Sova. Otherwise she is a great lurk because she has one of the best "default" kits in the game and basically wins the utility war. (Example, Brimstone loses to Sage util wise because if he smokes the slows denies, but if Viper does smokes she can redeploy after Sage slow). Dog shit if you're soloqueuing unless your name is Dafran/Tenz and have insane skill.
Sova - Pretty good. On Haven he is pretty slick imo because Haven is very "push and pull" in terms of rotations. He can recon -> see no one is an area and you can stack sites. Example is if you recon grass and don't see anyone, 9/10 times they're slapping A quick and you should have 3 over there with 1 C and 1 C link. His drone is pretty disgusting because it works well with his ult as well as a body for entry fragging. The most "balanced" character in mm imo.
Cypher - OP as fuck right now due to cam spots and the fact that people aren't throwing Raze nades / Sova shock darts in common trip spots. Best anchor in the game, and the fact that he can hold 2 flanks on T side is ridiculous. His cage is disgusting due to the fact that you can lurk in it but the enemy can't.
Brimstone - Overrated in match making. You don't need deploy all 3 smokes every site hit, because that leaves you 0 for post plant. His stim is dogshit, his molly is ok?, and his ult is the only good thing about him due to the zone control rather than the dmg. Most of the time people in low elo won't play off of this so there is no point in picking him over like someone you're more comfortable fragging out with. Obviously still really good, just overrated in match making pre diamond.
Sage - The most essential character in the game but I don't think she is "OP" due to the risk vs reward of her dying. She just stops pushes, but it's not like she can have two AoE high damage abilities. She's a healer so if you die as her your team is pretty fucked. Only thing I would like nerfed is if she is healing someone and they take damage, the heal is canceled completely. It's not a big nerf, but it's so that my own random teammates don't swing without getting the full heal :)
Omen - Pretty sick actually. His potential is really high in match making do to the fact that you can create chaos literally anywhere... The TP noise in high elo makes everyone shit their pants, and in low elo they don't even hear it. Win-win. His "smokes" (more like shrouds) are really good due to the versatility of being able to see inside of it, being time based, and having long range. His ult is disgusting if you coordinate with your teammates as well. His blind is dog shit.
Raze - Probably the second best solo player in the game due to her kit just existing for taking duels and slapping damage. Not much to say except for the fact that you can get real creative owning people. (Flying Bucky is OP). If you're bottom fragging as Raze at the end of the game maybe this isn't your agent due to her solely existing to frag out.
Breach - Mediocre in MM if everyone is soloqueue but OP as shit in premades. Breach is the "star" player character of the game (think Niko/Coldzera/Simple/Zywoo/Device). Literally 0 bitch roles because he does util for his team from either close or far, can op as well as rifle and should always be 3rd or 4th in. Must be the coordinator though, so if you're a reactive player do not spam Breach. You have to be proactive.
You, the player - The most important factor in every game. It doesn't matter if you have shit teammates, it doesn't matter if you're tilted b/c you have a silver 2 in your game while you're plat 1, it doesn't matter that you don't have your "ideal" comp. Just shoot heads. Match making is a pug, not a tournament where people scrim for 40hrs.
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