Hey ppl, got a question about Yoru's lore and a voiceline I can't find. Found it tiktok.

Posted by Steve

Monday, April 11, 2022 5:33 PM

Okay, before anyone slams me about maybe the tiktok being a voice changer or a guy with a similar voice, lemme explain a bit first.

I saw in the clip that it was about Yoru, and what happened was that there this map, I forgot which one, which had a phone you can interact with it somehow and it gives a sorta long ass dialogue by Yoru with some of it going:

"If Kingdom discovered Radianite only ten year ago, then why is my mask full of it?"

Note: Yoru's mask was from the Edo period and he stoll it from the Ice ship.

He goes about his ancestors and lineage plus some other stuff, anyone have info on this?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/u0yb9n/hey_ppl_got_a_question_about_yorus_lore_and_a/
  • https://reddit.com/u0yb9n

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