Posted by Steve
Wednesday, November 4, 2020 2:40 AM
This was something I thought to myself while playing with a friend on a smurf account. Before you get upset, my main is currently radiant and unable to que with any of my friends so I use a d1 account and really just give tips and suggestions as well as igl. I dont just farm and bm.
The reason I say this is because I've noticed, mechanically alot of golds and plats are pretty dang good! They just don't think so because of their rank. For example, there will be a d3 on the other team and the plats and golds will be scared. I try and tell them, the only thing separating you from that player, is most likely knowledge and gamesense, that goes for low imts as well.
So just a little reassurance to my gold and plat brothas, youre better than you think, I promise. What I think will help everyone rank up is learning how to look at a match as a game of chess with strategies to gain the upper hand, also don't be toxic and be willing to die for your team to get a kill and open space up.
Sorry for the random rant, just bugs me when I played with lower ranks who don't realize how good they can be.
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