Posted by Steve
Monday, December 6, 2021 1:29 AM
- Don't tilt. You might miss a shot, you might be shit talked by the enemy team, or worse case, by your own team. Don't feed the trolls.
- Shit aimer like me? Work on your game sense. Figure out how to open up the enemy team. If your team executes a site well, then theres nothing to work on. They're dying post plant? Let them know how to solve it without sounding like a dick.
- Don't be afraid to die when entering a site. I notice at elo across the board, the enemy will throw one slow or shock dart or even if nothing happens, then your team is doing this little dance and then rotate out. I'm not saying commit or rotate, but when entering any site, clear corners that your team didn't and if you die, thats massive info.
- Play for the team. We have auto lock duelists and no smokes? Play smokes. We have nothing to clear hard to clear angles, then play sova or skye. Expand that map pool.
- Crosshair placement. "But you said you're a shit aimer!" Yes, I am, but learning to jiggle an angle or hold a position at their headshot height is important. I can't flick for the life of me. No tenz sens here.
- Live for the team when defending. Information is key. Jump spot or jiggle somewhere. You see someone and don't think you can kill him, play for the retake. Otherwise, play an off angle and it just makes it super hard for the enemy.
- "My team sucks. GG GO NEXT." Stay headstrong. Keeping positivity and learning to open up opportunities or helping your team adapt without being a dick is gonna be important.
- Most important of all. Have fun. I thrive on the competitive experience in any game. (See me in street fighter). If you aren't having fun competing in ranked or anything in the game in general, you have options. So good luck out there and figure what motivates you!
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