Hot take: Breach is by far the scariest enemy agent.

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, September 14, 2022 2:55 AM

An enemy Breach is the scariest enemy agent because I know when I see a breach loading into the game I might as well turn off my monitor. It does not matter wth I do from that point forward bc I know for sure that at no point in that game will I take a fair fight. I will always be concussed, then flashed, then flashed, then knocked up, then concussed again, then i will take an exploding wall to the face. Then hey look, I'm concussed again. No other character inspired such fear in me as a breach. And you don't even have the hope that maybe they don't know how to use him or maybe they are learning him, because the only people that play breach are the ones with 2,347 games on him. There's no one who looks at breach and is like, "Yea, I think I will play this guy every now and then!" No, its a cult, you either die playing him the first time, or you play him one trick for the next 8 months of your life.



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