How to carry bad teammates?

Posted by Steve

Friday, May 12, 2023 12:02 PM

I know, I know, but just hear me out, just look at my last 5 games

Game1: 32 kills 6 Deaths 2 ACES (This game everyone had below 10 kills and one guy was AFK)

Game2: 36 kills 9 Death 1 ACE (This game everyone had below 15 kills and thankfully no one was AFK)

Game3: 41 kills 7 Deaths 3 ACES (This game everyone had below 20 kills and 2 AFKS)

Game4: 29 kills 11 Deaths 0 ACES (This game everyone had below 12 kills and no AFKS thankfully)

Game5: 43 kills 16 Deaths 2 ACES (This game everyone had below 20 kills and 2 AFKS)

Keep in mind every game no one used mic, no util, not even pinging, and the worst part is I had tried to play in Plat lobbies in a buddies house, and guess what... I was playing normal, I was in the exact middle in most of the games IN A PLAT 1 LOBBY, right now I'm in bronze but I was in the exact middle of the scoreboard in PLAT LOBBIES, I hate getting these deadweights on my team, Like I cant get an ace every round, like I am already heavily carrying and getting atleast 2-4 kills per round itself, How do I carry my teammates?



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