How do you coordinate pushes with low elo teammates?

Posted by Steve

Friday, August 13, 2021 10:07 AM

Hi, reaching out cause I’ve been on a very big losing streak - I’m a b3/s1 player with kinda bad game sense. I play a lot with my friend from iron so our team comp is usually lots of iron/bronzes.

The problem I run into is: my teammates make a lot of noise at the start of the round and use a lot of random utility causing the enemy team to rotate early and use a bunch of their mollys/smokes. Our team gets stuck in main just waiting. If I call a rotate, usually my whole team rotates very loudly and so they know we’re rotating.

To people who are better than me: what’s the simplest way to push with random teammates? I’m not good at calling plays but no one else does, so I try my best.

Thanks for the help!



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