ranked anxiety

Posted by Steve

Friday, October 22, 2021 12:31 PM

so ever since i hit platinum ive been having a hard time playing comp. i peaked diamond1 but thats it ever since ive been stuck in platinum3 and also deranked to plat2 the other day for the first time since hitting diamond. my ranked anxiety is getting worse and worse even tho im getting individually better. my aim is so much better than before and my game sense is also much much better. but im having a hard time adapting it all in ranked as i lose everything ive ever learned in ranked. i still topfrag sometimes and get match mvps or team mvps but i just cant seem to get rid of my anxiety and it hurts me irl my body gets all hot my head starts hurting and my hands get cold for some reason i get all shaken up i get headaches EASILY. i always try to maintain a positive mindset but still end up shaking and start getting inconsistent. it feels like i can only improve in unrated and deathmatch and aimlab but not on ranked. dont get me wrong i dont over play unrated in fact 50% of my total playtime is ranked and then unrated is like 25%. i have friends that are worse than me hitting diamond even immortal but im still stuck in platinum i train the most and im most passionate about it but end up losing the most. when i was plat3 i got put in diamond2 - immortal2 games i could keep up easily and even got match mvp but still lost and my head hurt after it for a WHILE. i want to go pro eventually its currently 00:01 and i just turned 16 this very moment.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/qd2juq/ranked_anxiety/
  • https://reddit.com/qd2juq

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