How exactly do flash durations work?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, August 17, 2021 11:33 PM

So out of curiosity, I wanted to check the exact flash durations for each agent, and how "looking away" affects it. I didn't really see any useful information on the wiki and went into practice range instead.

I wanted to find answers to the following questions:

  1. Under the same conditions (e.g. both looking directly at the flash at the centre of the screen), do team flashes last the same time as enemy flashes?
  2. Does distance from the centre of the screen from where the flash detonates affect flash time?
  3. Does "how long you look" at a flash before it detonates affect flash time?
  4. What other factors affect flash time?
  5. Is self-flashing duration less than enemy/team flashing?

I noticed that the answer to (3) is yes (for Yoru) at least. If I throw the flash at a wall, watch it while it bounces at a wall, look away and look back directly, just before it detonates, the flash time is like less than a second, just as if I didn't look at it at all.



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