how to fix sage

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, August 3, 2022 3:38 PM

i believe that sage has quite a few problems with her kit that needs fixing immediately. here are my suggestions.


now wall is indeed a unique ability, but sage, unlike other sentinels, doesnt have an alarmbot. sage needs to provide info like any other sentinel, so instead of an obstructive wall that u can only see is broken if u look at the map, sage needs an alarmbot.

to make up for at least a bit of the delaying power of her wall, her alarmbot also needs to slow if it detects an enemy.


sage's current signature ability is a heal that can be used on urself and sometims allies too i guess. i dont understand why this is sage's signature ability?? is she a support or something? what is this, league of legends?

from grimm, our lord we all know that sage excels at holding off angles. her signature ability needs to be something that complements that. once an enemy discovers her angle, the next enemy will be expecting it, so she needs an escape. but she can't just have this escape everywhere, she has to preplan it, otherwise it''ll just be a jett dash.

therefore i propose that her signature ability will be to create 2 teleportation pads that she can travel between. that way she can quickly move from her cheese angle into another one.


slow orb does nothing, all it does is slow. does that actually help u win a fight? no it juts delays the fight. dumb ability.

u know what helps u win fights tho? guns. more guns. sage's Q ability should be a gun. also remember that sage is a sentinel which is a defensive role, almost like a guardian, which is exactly the kind of gun she should have on her Q. a guardian.


this is such a dumb ability. why would i wanna rely on teammates???

u know what would help? more guns. a marshal. no wait, an op with the fire rate of a marshal. no wait, a STRONGER op with the fire rate of a marshal.

take 5 bullets, u go bam bam bam bam bam. ez ace ez win.

guess what team? ur duty is fucking over, cos they are so dead



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