How to get rid of the “I’m not a problem” mindset? I’m really struggling with it

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, June 7, 2022 7:00 AM

So I’ll start by saying. Was hardstuck silver 2 last season and got carried out into gold. Now this season im a solid high gold 2 to gold 3 consistently (kinda says a lot about the ranked system but that’s not what I’m here for)

Anyways… Statistically. I’m not the issue. But I refuse to believe I NEVER get good teammates. Like ever, sure that can be a possibility but surely after 70 something losses you would think it’s more than probable to have some decent teammates.

I also never play duellists unless I find a 5 stack who will let me. Most of the time I solo queue I have to watch 2 duellists get Insta locked and then have to choose based on them. I like to play smokes and feel I do well with my utilities so it can’t be that I’m all kills and no usefulness to the team.

Anyways my main argument is that I top frag majority of my games. And within the last week and a half I’m on a 1:4 win:loss ratio which is nuts. Even when I’m not top frag I never bottom frag. And being a smokes player I feel like I can always be useful even if I wasn’t getting kills.

So why is it so god damn hard to win games or at least feel it was a close or even game???. I have never been so angry at a game then Valorant purely because I feel like I hold my own and much more as a teammate and yet I have this 1:4 ratio.

It drives me crazy and I’m honestly stuck as to where to go with this situation moving forward because I have more enjoyable games when playing in high plat lobbies even though the highest I’ve gotten is like 20 into g3. The lower the ranks in the lobbies the more it makes me want to pul my hair out from frustration.

Anyone have any words of advice?



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