Posted by Steve
Sunday, October 11, 2020 4:00 PM
So ever since the game came out I didn't really like playing Spectre and usually preferred the Stinger.
Then recently I saw a Reyna player who played a lot of Stinger and I thought I'd try it out aswell.
I decided to take an aggressive Omen approach and for a whole day only play Stinger. I've felt for a while that the weapon is often overlooked and kind of underrated so I just wanted to prove how strong it actually is for it's very cheap cost of 1000 credits.
I made a highlight compilation of the best aggressive plays I did on this day which you can check out here:
There were a few interesting things I learned on this day about the game and it's playerbase. So the biggest problem wasn't to get kills on the Stinger. The biggest challenge was people in my team immediately flaming me for buying Stinger every round and accusing me of trolling.
The first two games I ended up top fragging in my team with 20-25+ Kills but we lost both games because people on my team were more focused on being negative towards my choice of weapon than actually trying to win the game.
When I had a bad game obviously the toxicity got even worse. So some games I mixed in a little Vandal rounds and then no one said anything. Overall most games I was able to get a lot of entry kills and end the game with 20+ kills (remember it was in Immortal 3).
The Stinger was incredibly strong in close range fights almost always winning against Vandal when I was able to get into the right position. This day definitely confirmed for me that for 1000 Credits the Stinger is extremely cost efficient and we might see some slight nerfs to it in the future.
The most interesting thing on this day was that if you do something outside the norm everyone will judge and ridicule you and people will rather tell themselves they are getting trolled as an excuse for their bad performance and losing the game instead of just trying to do their best. Even our opponents started picking up Stingers on their low buys after getting wrecked by it constantly :D
Almost everyone in my teams was more focused on what I was doing instead of their own performance. I could have easily dropped 2 weapons for people on my team on many rounds because I had so much money but they didn't even ask for drops.
So TLDR: Stinger is incredibly strong for it's low cost (borderline overpowered) but if you're playing too much of it people will rather call you a troll than try to win so it was really hard to actually win games. I've started mixing in more Stinger on low buys and it's very powerful if you position yourself correctly and at best you can play with a team mate who backs you up after the first kill when you're reloading.
I personally think we'll see a slight nerf to the Stinger eventually.
Enjoy getting wrecked by tons of Stingers now :P
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