Posted by Steve
Tuesday, September 13, 2022 8:55 AM
This is on my main account I was stuck B3 for 2 years then started actually fixing what I was doing wrong so this guide is mainly on my own experience
So when I started the game I was a sova main he was mainly the only character I played for 1 and a half years however even though I had good util usage my aim was dog shit (still is) so I decided to play something that would allow me to get picks and I picked Breach after picking breach and getting used to him my KDA almost doubled went from 6 kills per game to averaging 15kills (This Is based on my aim so breach is not the champ for everyone and is not the best solo queue champ)
So after fixing my kda I started fixing my aim playing on a lower sense with a more visible cross hair and just practicing so now not only do I have decent aim I also have nice util to get more kills
This is something most of us in low elo need to hear you don't always have to be the main character...what I mean is sometimes if my jett is popping off and I'm playing shit I'd rather use my util on helping the jett then for myself, assist my team more than care about my own KDA
Its not your team(most of the time) its not always ur teams fault KDA is not the most important thing in the game a reyna getting 2 kills on the opposite side off the map won't effect much off whats happening if ur on the other side because they can also get 1+ kills its not only ur reyna. They can also 1v5
holding...I mainly started implying this after watching a bunch of pro matches in which instead of all rotating 1 usually stays back incase enemy rotates or lurks. Yes this is boring but much better than giving a free site
comms... In low elo barely any players comm and instead use your mic for toxicity, your death is not what ends the round its the timer so If you see something on the map that you think ur team didn't notice comm it, If you hear someone flank comm it, If you hear them or see them push onto site comm it. (DON'T BACKSEAT, COMMING AND BACKSEATING ARE DIFFERENT)
Mentality... yes it sucks to have a game go 0-4 yes its annoying but if they won 4 rounds u can also win 4 rounds Rather than type gg ff
NOTE: I'm only Plat1 rn which is still far from diamond or radiant and some things I said might not be that important or for everyone but I'd say getting from B3 to P1 in 20 days with a decent KDA I'd assume most things are correct
- Play like a rat when needed it doesn't matter what the enemies say its their fault for not assuming that that would be a possibility
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