How I went from Gold to Immortal 3

Posted by Steve

Monday, November 21, 2022 8:26 AM

How I went from Gold to Immortal 3

I wanted to make a quick list of the biggest factors that helped me grow as a player and get huge win streaks. I started the game placing in bronze 2 and climbing to gold 1 that act. Then G2, then P3 and then Diamond 1 hardstuck for 4 acts. Then Ascendant 1 and then Immortal 1. Most recently I went from immortal 1 to immortal 3 in solo queue without losing a single game in between. Image here:

DISCLAIMER: These will be from my own experience only so I cannot guarantee that these are the best methods, nor that they will work for you.

  1. MOST IMPORTANT! DO NOT BE TOXIC Never be toxic to your teammates. When I went on massive win streaks (8+ wins) I always opened every agent select with a cheerful "Hey everyone!". If someone said something even slightly annoying it would be an instant mute. BUT I would treat that person like anyone else and not be toxic toward them.

  2. BE NICE AND HYPE THEM UP When my team would win a pistol round I'd shoot compliments towards everyone since that sets the tone for the entire game. If we lost I would say "nice try guys don't you even worry, we got this" or something like that. Even the people who seemed toxic or were throwing easy rounds, I still gave them compliments. Mute them but hype them up as if they were your duo. Mute + report + forget.

  3. Turn off all chat. Seriously man it is terrible for your focus and mental. Not worth.

  4. AGENT ROLES This will be different for everyone but I play best on smokes. I have the most hours on Jett, Sage, Reyna, Viper and Neon. But at long last I've found out that Brimstone is the most befitting agent for me. My aim isn't the best but IGLing and playing rat allows me to fully take control over the game. The thing that enlightened me was my agent winrates last act: Brim 69%, Astra 58% and Jett 40% :p. Also pls learn lineups they are overpowered.

  5. This should be higher on the list but MY GOD JUST LEARN JUMP PEEKING WHY DO PEOPLE REFUSE TO LEARN IT. Jump peeking is the cornerstone of easy info with no utility and no commitment to fights. It is the ultimate tool to round winning information AND easiest post plants of your life. Find a tutorial on yt or whatever, practice it and ABUSE that shit in game because it is broken.

  6. HAVE A PURPOSE WHEN AIMING This was a huge shift in aim and crosshair placement for me. It wasn't anything that concrete but it felt like a switch flipped in my head and I went from throwing my mouse around to actually focusing on where I moved it. I started conciously focusing on all my mouse movements, basically everytime I moved my mouse there was a purpose of going from point A to point B in a straight line. With time it got better and more natural. Hard to explain but very powerful for me.

6.5. Have an aim routine. It might seem boring but the results had me excited to aim train before playing. My personal routine includes around 5-10mins of Aimlab MultiLineTrace, 5mins of Microadjustments by Pastha and a few Sixshots to finish it off. Then moved into 2-4 deathmatches with vandal until my movement felt clean. Never aim to win in deathmatch. If you reach 39 kills just let someone else win it or leave the game. You are there to get better, not to receive a worthless dopamine hit.

  1. 2-3 BULLET BURST STRAFE Start slowly in the range by firing 2-3 bullets, move to the left about 0.5-1m, shoot again, move, shoot... Make sure the movements are not too slight or people will easily microadjust. You want to got the longest distance in the time it takes for the recoil to reset. I prefer 2 bullet bursts over 3 because three seems a bit shaky and takes longer for the recoil to reset. In close to medium distance engagements start with burst fire without crouching. Once you crosshair is on them commit to a crouch spray. In medium to long distance fights you want to only do 2 bullet bursts or just 1 bullet counter strafes.

Thanks for reading. Again I am in no way qualified to give out any meaningful advice. Just wanted to share some stuff I noticed helped me massively on my way to Immortal 3 and hope it will help you too. Any critique/extra tips in comments is appreciated. :3



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