Posted by Steve
Monday, August 22, 2022 10:07 PM
I've been playing a lot of Astra in my platinum lobbies recently, she's pretty much the only agent I can remain consistent on, I either do mediocre or pop off, and rarely do horrible.
Ever since starting to play her, nothing ticks me off more than a team that refuses to give calls. They aren't even toxic about it, after you win a round they say good job and after a loss they say nice try. But no matter how many times I tell them I need comms to place my stars in the correct spots, I just hear crickets right after.
Now, I can deal with a team giving no calls, I can look at map and listen to agent callouts, but what I can't deal with is a team that just doesn't even listen to callouts. It doesn't matter where I am on the scoreboard, bottom or top, I can call that someone is flanking and our Sage will keep running with their knife out towards the flanker and ask why I didn't kill him If I could hear him. I quite literally have to babysit these people and do all the work for them on Astra.
Last game, I went 32/15/4 on Astra. Match MVP and 8 more kills then the next player in the entire game. The game went on for 40 minutes and we lost 11-13. The people in the game were nice enough, but they just didn't listen or give callouts. Now that I think about it, the only words out of our Reyna's mouth were apologizing for bot fragging. I told him, verbatim, that I could not care less if he was bot frag, just to please start giving callouts. But those were the only words he spoke all game.
So for those of you who have mics, but just don't use them for whatever reason, please do. It'll make an Astra main in myself much happier and will just overall give you and your team better odds to win.
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