How to keep good mental after doing horribly in games?

Posted by Steve

Monday, March 6, 2023 11:34 AM

Hey. I've been playing since last summer. It's my first FPS game and I don't really have much experience with gaming either. First few months I was just playing unrated to learn the game and then I hopped to comp and on my first placements I got bronze 1. Currently I'm silver 2 (I ended last episode being b3, but rank reset hit hard and I was iron 3 and had to grind all over again). Last few weeks were hard for me in valo, I feel like I'm playing much worse than before, even though I'm playing almost every day and I'm trying really hard to improve - I watch videos on youtube and all the guides how to be better, I'm doing dms etc. but for me it's working in the other way and I literally started doing one digit numer of kills per match and I feel like I'm throwing every single game. And this point I don't feel like anything will help me, my mental is bad and I'm super frustrated. I understand that maybe that not everyone can be good in this game but my friends are playing and I really want to improve and at least not to throw games. Maybe any of you have similar experience that you can share and give me some hope? lol and if any of you can share any tips how to not lose mental after doing horribly, I'll take anything For now I think that I'll take a break, hoping that I'll be doing better when I'm back.



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