How to make Valorant seem less violent?

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, January 4, 2023 4:50 AM

Edit: This is not a troll. I promise.

Edit 2: I repeat, this is not a troll. Omitted an unnecessarily sentence.

I'm almost 18. I like playing Valorant and have turned off blood and the bodies, but it is still not enough to make my parents not question the game about its violence when they catch me playing it. I feel like I have to sneak and be wise about playing this game in order to not seem like a crazy person who enjoys violence.

My parents also have a strong disapproval of the fact that there is a knife in the game, and they seem to really hate the "choose your agent" screen. They believe that each character has a menacing appearance. For example, my parents are always in shock when they see Reyna. They ask me what type of game I am playing when seeing the agent I use the most in a tone that is obviously condemning the theme of the game. Even without guns, blood, or any weapons, the characters of the game is enough to make them think it is violent.

Have any one of you guys experienced this? How did you convince them that the game is not very bad?

I wish that Valorant would make a "child friendly" mode where the weapons are replaced with less realistic options and the characters appear to be more friendly looking.



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