Posted by Steve
Friday, September 2, 2022 8:12 AM
I've been aim training and hit a plateau that made it really hard to feel motivated to continue training. I thought that changing my Aim Labs routine and using tasks I haven't really used in the past would help to make things fresh and allow me to round out any gaps in my aim.
Not only that but I realised that the most important thing I needed was a mindset change so I wasn’t mentally limiting myself to the scores that seemed like such a hard ceiling. I had to see myself breaking those scores in my head before I could do that in-game.
With the routine I wanted to work on the fundamentals of aim being:
- Micro Adjustments
- Flicks
- Tracking
- Precision
- Speed
- Aiming Efficiency
So this is the routine I made and tried out for 14 days, I did each tasks 6 times before moving onto the next:
Task 1: Spheretrack (tracking focus)
Task 2: Switchtrack (tracking focus)
Task 3: Spidershot (flicking focus)
Task 4: Sixshot (precision & micro adjustment focus)
Task 5: Reflexshot (speed focus)
Task 6: Multishot (aiming efficiency focus)
Task 7: Gridshot (to end off the training session with a bit of fun)
Personally, the biggest gap in my aim is in my tracking which is why I wanted to put a heavy focus on that at the beginning of my training. But I also feel that it gives you the most control over your mouse and allows you to translate good aim to any game that you play.
On day 1 these were my highscores and average scores:
Spheretrack: 86060 | 82312
Switchtrack: 87689 | 81635
Spidershot: 75391 | 70167
Sixshot: 67175 | 65041
Reflexshot: 64629 | 63153
Multishot: 95636 | 87721
Gridshot: 87050 80350
I have been aim training for awhile and these scores were the wall that I’ve hit. This was actually the first time I’d done Sixshot so I was still getting used to how to efficiently use the task for training. And the reason why I was tracking average scores as well is because of anomalies like I saw with Multishot. That highscore took a long time to break XD
I definitely felt that the order of the tasks suited me really well and just changing up the tasks and order that I was doing really helped to reinvigorate my aim training. And most importantly, I changed up my mindset so I wasn’t capping the ceiling for what I thought were achievable scores. This was crucial to the improvements that I made.
I tracked the routine for 14 days and these were my highscores and average scores at the end of the 14 days:
Spheretrack: 105645 +22.75% | 100035 +21.53%
Switchtrack: 102689 +17.10% | 101213 +23.98%
Spidershot: 84438 +12.00% | 82077 +16.97%
Sixshot: 83887 +24.88% | 80876 +24.35%
Reflexshot: 67543 +4.51% | 67474 +6.84%
Multishot: 106804 +11.68% | 104282 +18.88%
Gridshot: 87375 +0.37% | 86736 +7.95%
As you can see I did see a lot of improvement over the 2 weeks. But that was a pretty intense 2 weeks of training over an hour everyday in and out of AimLabs. I felt a lot more consistent with my aim and saw huge changes when it came to my aiming performance in-game. Even though for some of them I didn’t see the same sort of improvements in my highscore, I was still really happy to see my averages coming up.
The biggest thing I attribute my improvement to though is my mindset. Coming into my training with the right approach made my goals seem attainable rather than impossible.
This is the routine and mindset that I've been keeping and it's really been making my aim training a lot more productive and kept me motivated. I made a video on the whole experience that explains the routine a lot more and goes through my progress throughout the 2 weeks. You can get a link to the playlist in the description of that video as well so you can try it out :)
I hope this helps your aim training in any way!
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