Tips to rank up

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, June 23, 2021 5:33 AM

Some tips from immortal player

sorry for bad english

crosshair placement


minimap awareness

how you peek an angle so peek the angle in pieces dont just rush in

how you hold an angle so peek the angle with a little room for wide peek most people wide peek in this game

angle advantage (the further you are away from an angle from the other person you have an advantage because you see them before they see you)

be unpredictable( dont keep on peeking the same angle the whole game)

try to notice patterns that the other team is doing

try not to hold shift when peeking an angle

try to visualize where you crosshair should be before you peek

try to use your utility to get past choke points like say there is an awper smoke that area off so your team can cross it

learn about off angles and shoulder peeks

hold angles where you can fall back safely

only wide swing if its a 1v1

try to trade your teammates and get site control



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