I constantly press shift whilst shooting, is this a bad habit or not?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, October 8, 2022 3:09 AM

I realised this only yesterday aftyer almost a year of playing, and I am currently asc3/immortal 1. I am wondering If I am stunlocking my skill progress because of this.

Basically whenever I shoot I press shift and the reason for it, I think, is to make sure I wont move as much whilst aiming and get mer accurate shots. I asked my friends about this and no one shifts shoots. Im guessing I become an easier target since I dont moves as much. However I am Immortal and I have yet to queue against/with someone with an higher hs% than me, that of 43% so I must be doing something right.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/xy46hj/i_constantly_press_shift_whilst_shooting_is_this/
  • https://reddit.com/xy46hj

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