I created a Valorant Elo Checker for Android!

Posted by Steve

Saturday, January 9, 2021 6:02 AM

I created a Valorant Elo Checker for Android!

Hello guys!

I created this Valorant Elo Checker as a personal project of mine.

I hope you like it! :D


  • Swipe to refresh
  • Show current rank
  • Show current RP and ELO
  • Shows the last three ranked matches and it's amount of increase or decrease to the player's RP.
  • User can choose to save their account or not. This is so they do not have to login again.

You can download the app here : https://github.com/Pipaolo/Valorant-Elo-Checker/releases

Source Code: github.com/Pipaolo/Valorant-Elo-Checker

Change logs:

- Users can now save their account to the app, this allows removes the hassle to login every time the app is opened.
- Added a menu to allow the user to logout from the app.

- Fixed App compatibility with Android 8
- Some code refactors

- Fixed a bug where logging in after an authentication error does not allow the user to login again.

- Fixed a bug where authentication error will not be handled properly
- Fixed a bug where no details will appear if the account hasn't played any ranked games.

- Some code refactoring and bug fixes.

- Added a region picker that allows the user to choose the region that they want and a checker if the region selected was correct. If the user entered the wrong region, the app will detect it and returns them to the login page.

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where the last three matches were not computing properly

- Initial Release

Login Page

Home Page


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/kstty0/i_created_a_valorant_elo_checker_for_android/
  • https://reddit.com/kstty0

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