I genuinely feel as if the game wants me to remain in silver forever. Mm feels miserable

Posted by Steve

Monday, June 6, 2022 10:36 AM

I genuinely feel as if the game wants me to remain in silver forever. Mm feels miserable

Once more I've witnessed the majestic shine of gold. Once more I've touched the yellow treasure, so unachievable to me. Once more I've been pulled away from it. Once more the goal has left my grasp.

I had 8 good games. A winstreak. I carried, I was carried, but what matters is that I won some games and boom I am now in gold. Then I played some more and decided that it is time for rest.

I wake up. I warm up. I open ranked and start up. I do well. I lose.

I do well. I lose.

I do bad. I win.


Please gods why why do you put me 3 games in a row with a guy who ended up 2-17 at the end of the game why gods why do you force me upon a better team that still cant win why gods why must I always win when i do bad but always lose when i do well please i just want to be free i just want to escape this wretched place

You can't escape

The clutches of silver are too strong. Too resilient.



  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/v5doem/i_genuinely_feel_as_if_the_game_wants_me_to/
  • https://reddit.com/v5doem

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