I get most of my kills in first 9-10 rounds and then I struggle to get even 1. Need help to improve. Current rank Silver 3

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, November 8, 2022 12:31 PM

Hi my current stats are as follows : (don't want to share tracker for privacy reasons)

Games played: 65 Win%: 52

Avg Damage per round: 129

K/D : 0.85, Hs%: 15-17%

KAD: 1.25, Kills per round: 0.65

Main agent: fade

Favourite gun: Vandal on full buy (347 kills),

Favourite pistol: Classic (44 kills)

Other weapons : Classic > Sheriff(17k) > Ghost(35k) order of pref on pistol rounds, Phantom (206 kills), Operator never used, Spectre (103 kills)

Most of my kills (80-90%) are in first 9-10 rounds and I usually touch double digit kills in first 9 rounds on an avg day. Then for rest of rounds I am struggling to kill even 1 enemy. In the end I usually add only 2-4 kills to my total kills from round 9. This has become a consistent problem for me because this causes me to lose my games as I don't turn up to crucial moments in second half. I am guilty of blowing away a lot of 9-3 leads.

Also I am very poor at defending halves. I am not able to kill even 1 enemy when 2-3 of them are rushing towards me. I am not able to peek properly while defending. My flanks are very slow and I usually end up dying during my flanks. I loose at least 50% of my gun duels.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/yoo5zp/i_get_most_of_my_kills_in_first_910_rounds_and/
  • https://reddit.com/yoo5zp

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