Posted by Steve
Thursday, July 8, 2021 11:19 PM
I have been playing since the game came out and I'm level 337. I am getting bullied in every lobby for really stupid reasons. Some people don't realize that your account level accounts for every game you have played and think that I have gotten to 337 this act which is virtually impossible. A lot of people understand this and are still bullying me for having a high account. Do people not understand that some people have been playing this game since it came out a YEAR ago? I don't even play that much on days that I play, mostly just in the evening. I guarantee I do more real life stuff than the people saying these dumb things. Also not to mention the fact that we are in a pandemic and have been since the game came out?
I am getting comments like "Do you go outside" or "I am sorry for you" or even "You live a depressing life." It's all so stupid because these people don't understand how the leveling system works, how long the game has been out, and all these other things. I don't really take these comments to heart but it pisses me off that this stuff happens. I hope they add an option to toggle it off.
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