I am girl who's trying to fit in this game

Posted by Steve

Thursday, January 21, 2021 7:43 PM

Hey, I've been a Riot's fan since 2011 and I never tought I would reach this point of struggle.

Since I was a younger player in LOL I've never struggle with guys on any games until now (probably bc LOL doesn't have a voice chat for the hole team, just pre-mades).

I play valorant for about 9 months now and sometimes it's really hard to gain courage to play...

70% of the time that I use voice chat I have some random guy (sometimes more than one) saying a lot of disrespectful things about me and probably most people doesn't know how that feels.

I tried to ignore, I even tried to report (unsuccessfully) but yesterday I reached my limit... Yesterday I've been teamed up with 2 pre-made guys for 3 games in a row. They started mocking me for being a girl and bc of that I answered kinda aggressive, I literally said "please shut the f**k up" and thanks to my failed tempt of "defensive" answer I didn't got just 2 guys mocking me, I got the rest of the team doing the same, 4 guys. All of them saying the most disgusting things you can image. Even not knowing my age those guys harassment me, disrespected me and laughed at me, yes I did muted them but after some several minutes handling with that treatment I couldn't feel good there. After 3 games with the same guys I just closed the game and until now I'm trying to gain courage to go play again.

As a valorant player and as a girl I would like to pass this message, please respect everyone, even behind the screen your words and actions can hurt someone.

And for valorant community, please punish those who does this... Even reporting several times I never saw people like them being punished for sexual harassment in the game, and that is really unfair.

I hope I can reach a few people here... Good day for you all.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/l1cax2/i_am_girl_whos_trying_to_fit_in_this_game/
  • https://reddit.com/l1cax2

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