Posted by Steve
Friday, May 12, 2023 12:45 PM
So, ive been plat 3 for quite some time around ep5 act 1. ever since then i have been hardstuck p3. I have peaked out of it into diamond in every act of ep6 and I know i have what it takes to rank up out of this rank. (p.s ive only completed my act triangle once in ep 5 act 2)
Everyone around me says how I dont deserve the rank I have (Ascendant - Immo friends) yet im still fully hardstuck on plat 3 and I'm starting to think its a mental barrier and the people I queue with.
Recently I made an alt to see how i would do on it and i shot up past plat 3 in less than a week and im already diamond 1-2 and still climbing on it. (obviously the high mmr makes it easier to do so) .
But in these games on my alt im solo queueing listening to a music or podcast not think at all pretty much unless I need to. So I dont know if im overthinking everything in every game making me perform worse on my main.
On my main however I always duo queue with 2 friends who respectfully dont have the greatest mentals but I just find the game so boring solo that i cant play without them.
So I took a leap and solo queued on my main today and although I lost it wasnt as bad as when i play with friends it was only a 12:14 instead or something like a 3:13.
I dont want to not queue with my friends because thats boring and if they ask me to but I feel like I have to. I want to rank up but I find it really sad as I dont wanna rank up alone and want my friends to come with me but I just perform better without them.
Any help appreciated tbh this is kind of just a rant but yeah haha.
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