I just want mates that give quick, 100% clear callouts, don't tilt af or blame their deaths on the game.

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, January 19, 2021 5:33 AM

I'm sorry, I just need to vent a little bit. So I got a group of ppl I'm playing with and they are nice, they really are. But what frustrates me 100% is that they call out stuff like 50 times in a row instead of 1 precise call, they would always say something like "YEAH SURE WTF?! THAT WAS A HS" before giving a callout. Then, when they do a one or burst tap, they would go on about how crazy their aim is and how good they are on this game. After getting demolished the first four rounds they would always blame "these fucking smurfs" Tbh, it annoys the fuck out of me. Sometimes there are ppl having good games, doesn't necessarily mean they are smurfs of cheaters. We are all freaking gold-plat plebs, this Elo is basically the definition of inconsistency. I just want to play, stay focused, hear the enemies footsteps and play the best I can. Review mistakes and then go on with a fresh mindset in the next round while having fun.

Sorry, just had to get this off.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/kzryi4/i_just_want_mates_that_give_quick_100_clear/
  • https://reddit.com/kzryi4

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