Posted by Steve
Tuesday, November 23, 2021 4:36 AM
So most of the time when i play in a 5 stack or at least with 1 or 2 friends, i perform worse then when solo queuing. Does this happen to anyone else, and does anyone have an explaination for this?
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Credit: sajdak_ on tiktok

Posted by Otto
Tuesday, May 25, 2021 9:38 PM
Why am I Gold 2 constantly getting matched against Diamonds?
I don't understand how the system works. Why can I not queue with Plat 2's and higher but the game allows me to match against Diamonds? This was solo queue and my peak rank was Gold 3.

Posted by Otto
Friday, December 17, 2021 12:31 AM
I’m stuck in silver
I’ve been playing for 6 months and I can’t get to gold. I have like 90/100 RR and then I lose and lose and lose. Happens all the time and I don’t feel like being in silver anymore. Starting to feel like stop playing valorant
Posted by Otto
Wednesday, March 23, 2022 7:14 AM