I recently ranked up from silver 1 to silver 2. Here are some tips and tricks that I learned along the way

Posted by Steve

Monday, March 15, 2021 9:38 AM

Step 1. Be positive. If you are positively charged then electrons from negatively charged objects will flow to you generating electricity. Since you now have electricity coursing through you that makes you electronic, so you play for Na'Vi and you have nutty aim.

Step 2. Drink redbull. Redbull gives you wings, allowing you to fly over the map and give info to your team. Its a bird! Its a plane! No. It's you, if you follow this guide.

Step 3. Have good economy management. Spending and saving your money well will give you enough to go to riot HQ, bribe the CEO into making you silver 2. God knows its impossible to get there normally... unless you follow this guide of course.

Step 4. Get ~~Kovaaks~~ Kovačs. By which I mean get Nikola "NiKo" Kovač and Nemenja "huNter" Kovač and make them play on your account. Their skill and aim will get you to Silver 2. This task is so difficult that you need 2 pros to get you there. Unless... you follow this guide.

And there you go! How to get to silver 2 in four easy steps. Thanks for reading!


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/m4r1g5/i_recently_ranked_up_from_silver_1_to_silver_2/
  • https://reddit.com/m4r1g5

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