I spent about 6 months ranking up from Bronze 3 to Immortal, and I documented every single ranked game I played. If you're serious about climbing, this could be a very useful reference.

Posted by Steve

Friday, March 26, 2021 7:57 PM

I spent about 6 months ranking up from Bronze 3 to Immortal, and I documented every single ranked game I played. If you're serious about climbing, this could be a very useful reference.

Spreadsheet link

Hey there Reddit, I'm a brand new FPS player with background in other competitive games (Rocket League, League of Legends, Starcraft 2) and I set myself the goal of hitting Immortal within a year of learning tactical shooters. This act I have managed to secure 14 wins in Immortal, thus completing my first ever Immortal act badge! I peaked at top 3000, with 120RR.

Along the way, I recorded a significant amount of my own gameplay. You can go see for yourself just how terrible I was when I first started playing this game! I hope this spreadsheet can serve as a valuable reference to anyone else who is trying to climb on their own. Here are a few of my personal opinions about how to best climb in rank:

  1. Have a dedicated schedule

    • My schedule was 15 minutes of aim training (Kovaaks), followed by 2 deathmatches, followed by a best of 3 in soloQ.
  2. Review your own gameplay

    • Try to isolate mistakes you see yourself making, and work on improving on these areas in future games. Track your progress by watching your future games to make sure you're improving.
  3. Don't pay attention to your rank at all

    • If your personal skill is increasing, your rank will naturally follow. Worrying about ranking down/ranking up will have negative affects on how you play the game. Many games are unwinnable/unloseable. This doesn't matter to me, all I care about is improving my own personal skill.
  4. Learn from the pros

    • I would watch a ton of professionals streaming soloQ and try to identify why they were making the decisions they were making. I'd recommend the following streamers for the agents I play: TenZ for Jett, Subroza for Phoenix, Freakazoid for Smokes
  5. Communicate

    • There are 3 things you should always be communicating to your team no matter what, at the minimum.
      • Enemies you see or hear
      • Utility you are about to throw
      • Utility your enemies have thrown (especially smoke locations, these don't show up on the minimap for your teammates)
  6. Get help

    • Identifying your own mistakes in VOD review can be really difficult at first. If you can find someone who is at least diamond in rank to take a look at a replay for you, it can help expedite the process significantly.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/md6rgr/i_spent_about_6_months_ranking_up_from_bronze_3/
  • https://reddit.com/md6rgr

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