Icebox/breeze high elo agent select hostage taking.

Posted by Steve

Saturday, June 12, 2021 2:55 AM

I have already sent a ticket but I would still like to inform any dev reading
about a new type of hostage taking.

I lost a total of 25 RR today to dodging, and it is quite simple really.
Here is how it went all 3 times.
Average elo on these games were around top500 - 150 RR on EUW
We enter Agent select on ICEBOX/BREEZE and within the first second
3 players on the team locks Duelists and tells me
"Dodge or I will int the match". Due to 4 duelist already being locked + the threat of inting
There is no option than to dodge the match. I have lost more than a games worth of LP today only.

Average elo on these games were around top500 - 150 RR on EUW

I don't know what the solution to this problem would be but forcing
these people to play icebox when they really don't care for it just seems ironic.
Riot not monitoring champion select is set up for this kind of behavior.



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