If you ever feel unlucky, ready my experience with Valorant's store RNG system

Posted by Steve

Thursday, March 18, 2021 7:28 AM

I know there is no point in telling it here because it won't change a thing, but probably with your comments I'll feel a bit better, and just want to talk to you about my amazing luck.

I've waited since the 26th of december (81 days) for the Reaver Knife, and honestly, I've seen people waiting for more than 4 months, thats not the thing the saddens me, it is the fact that I've gotten EVERY SINGLE KNIFE atleast once, besides the reaver one. I'm only missing 1 skin to be in my store in my main account to have them all, but it my second account I've already gotten it. Adding to that, 4 of the friends I mostly play with have had the Reaver knife in their store atleast once (one of them has already gotten it 3 times)

I know you guys can't do anything besides laughing at my bad luck, but i'd like to see your guys stories to feel a bit better.

-I apologize for bad grammar, english is not my language:)


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/m7g3xs/if_you_ever_feel_unlucky_ready_my_experience_with/
  • https://reddit.com/m7g3xs

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