If you are in a four stack please use your mic outside of party chat. It really puts the random you are with a heavy disadvantage if you don’t.

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, February 10, 2021 6:31 PM

I just played a match that would’ve ranked me up to silver if i won. Instead I played with a four stack made up of a people who weren’t communicating with me at all. We lost because of it. They used voice comms maybe five times during the entire match, and the ending score was 16-14. There would be times where i would rotate because the enemies would push site, and they would give me absolutely no information on where anybody was. We would’ve won easily if they had just said, “Reyna showers,” or “Omen U-haul.” But no. Instead i was forced to play an entire match with no info whatsoever. If you are queuing with one, two, or three other people and you have a mic, please use it to notify the people who aren’t in your stack about positions, how much damage you dealt, etc. And for the record, yes they all had mics.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/lgkfdi/if_you_are_in_a_four_stack_please_use_your_mic/
  • https://reddit.com/lgkfdi

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