If you are hardstuck Iron-Silver, you NEED to hear this

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, January 11, 2023 9:53 PM

This is coming from someone who has climbed solo from iron to immortal.

As I was exploring this community, I discovered that there is a very common sentiment among players that "you don't have to get kills to have impact." From a high elo perspective, I completely agree. Someone who is contributing through utility and coms can provide a ton of impact over the course of a game but it got me thinking back to my days as a low ranked player and what exactly got me out of "elo hell." When I really thought about it, I was able to rank up because I just started winning important duels.

This is of course a generalization but low ranked players are very commonly guilty of baiting, feeding, and generally not playing off of each other very well. If players in your lobbies can't propperly capitalize off of your coms or utility, no matter how good they may be, they will not be getting impact for your team. Low elo players love to complain about this, how they are doing everything right but their team is messing it up for them time after time.

Many of these hardstuck players will tell you that bad teammates are the reason why they are being held back so I'm just going to give them the answer. You are not having enough individual impact. If your team is bad, you should be trying to individually influence the outcome of the game in your favor, no matter what rank you are in. In ranks where most teams you get are bad, you have to prioritze improving the skills that can help you win rounds on your own, the big one being aim. Use iron-silver as a training grounds so that you can become the most individually skilled player before you start to focus on teamplay. The nice thing about focusing on aim is that it is a measurable skill so you will know immediately when you have started to improve.

TLDR: Stop diluding yourself with the idea that it's your teammates fault for not playing off of your util/coms correctly (even though they probably aren't) and focus on improving aspects of your own game that don't rely on others.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/108nl33/if_you_are_hardstuck_ironsilver_you_need_to_hear/
  • https://reddit.com/108nl33

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