Unintentional disconnections have led to be being banned from comp for a week

Posted by Steve

Saturday, March 27, 2021 1:00 PM

Hiya so I just wanted to hear everyone else's opinions and ask a question about this topic :)

So the way I have my PC my phone is giving my pc Internet via a USB cable. Although, sometimes the cable gets loosend by my headphone wire and I accidentally disconnect. This rarely happens but since the new update that harshly punishes those who go AFK, this has happened to me 5 (out of about 30 games) times and I've only gone for about 1 round and 3 at the absaloute most if my USB if being fiddly.

Whilst yes it is my problem and it is my fault I'm not intentionally leaving or leaving for long I feel like this penalty is somewhat unfair as I do not have intent to damage the match or farm XP

Anyways my question is if I keep disconnecting will I get banned all together?

And yes this is the ONLY way I can provide my PC with a Internet connection and NO I cannot go out and get a new wire or adapter as of now.

I just wanted to voice this really that's all.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/mdvcuk/unintentional_disconnections_have_led_to_be_being/
  • https://reddit.com/mdvcuk

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