If you hear someone with a bad speach impediment don't bully them for no reason

Posted by Steve

Saturday, March 6, 2021 6:16 AM

Just played a match and our teammate had a real bad speach impediment but he was very nice and gave coms and the rest of the team instantly attacked him for it and the kid didn't speak for the rest of the game shit like this really pisses me off they can't control the disorder

Edit: poorly worded in heat of the moment but it just pissed me off cause it's not the first time I hear people mock people with speach disabilities. There is no justification for any type of bullying but I feel like some people don't understand it's not something people can control and don't realize it's a disability which can effect someone one quite badly and make them not want to speak irl and ruining their confidence in their social skills


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/lxyclh/if_you_hear_someone_with_a_bad_speach_impediment/
  • https://reddit.com/lxyclh

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