If you are low elo play unrated.

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, April 6, 2021 8:12 AM

Low elos like iron, bronze and silver, are full of people that get mad at their teammates, and always backseat gaming. I admit I used to get annoyed how my teammates' crosshair was on the floor, and not listening to what I'm saying. Last month I dropped from silver 3 all the way to bronze 2 and I decided to play unrated for once. After playing unrated I was shocked at how bad my teammates and opponents were, some of them didn't even know how to play the game(not knowing how to walk). I dropped a 40 bomb but we still lost, so I played another one. Next game I realised there's no point of me getting annoyed and tell them what to do, because they are all new to the game, and I shouldn't expect anything. After 10 unrated games in a row, with me not getting mad at my teammates when they do a bad play. I finally decided to play a competitive game, and I didn't get tilt at all. I realised at low elos I shouldn't expect anything from them, because I am in the same rank. So for anyone out there that gets mad at their teammates at low elos, just play unrated and you'll eventually understand that the people in your rank are new players and you shouldn't expect much.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/mkd0re/if_you_are_low_elo_play_unrated/
  • https://reddit.com/mkd0re

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