If you could have one agent's abilities irl, who's would you pick?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, April 9, 2022 12:02 AM

Stealing from Eggwick's poll (which you should go fill out), but this question got me thinking. So I arranged my top three:
-Cypher: You'd be able to tell when people are around you without significant risk to yourself. You'd never be snuck up on again.

-Omen: You'd be able to tp almost anywhere almost instantly. Pretty much explains itself.

-Sage: tbh its so that I sound more wholesome. Heal anyone within sight to help the world or whatever, defend people with an instant wall, or be an annoyance and slow down people in a given area.

I feel like most agents could be provided a pretty decent explanation if you focus on just the benefits of 1-2 pieces of utility, but idk. What do yall think?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/tyss29/if_you_could_have_one_agents_abilities_irl_whos/
  • https://reddit.com/tyss29

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