If you really want an incentive for newer players...

Posted by Steve

Thursday, October 13, 2022 10:36 PM

  • Please stop insulting us for bad plays. We know we're bad, you don't have to tell us, it's just insult to injury.
  • Stop insulting people in general. I've played a lot of games over the years, but never got so many slurs thrown my way as in Valorant.
  • Make Riot more aware of the toxicity and the importance of the report tools. I've been called a piece of shit and garbage person + other things in chat and even though the chat was right there and I didn't even respond except for reporting, nothing happend.
  • Don't smurf and let us grow by ourselves. Dominating a low elo match is fun for 1 person and annoying for 9.
  • Try to help us if you actually want newer players to feel welcome. I'm asking for advice every match and it's always "Tap heads and win" but never actual advice
  • Turn the online community into sth more positive and don't act like unranked games have your life depending on it
  • Lead us somewhere where we can learn the game. Be more vocal about good habits or aim training or anything
  • Again: Please, for gods sake, stop smurfing. I've had a smurf in every other match and only started this act. I'd like to play the games instead of getting shot in the head from 60m in an instant.
  • Coaching new players is great, please keep this up.

Sincerely a new player.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/y2a09a/if_you_really_want_an_incentive_for_newer_players/
  • https://reddit.com/y2a09a

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